As we have often stated, we believe that a safe and secure working environment is extremely important and a prerequisite for a pleasant and healthy work culture.

In case you don’t want to talk with somebody from team5pm but you need someone externally, you can contact a confidential advisor at De Vertrouwenskamer.

The mission of De Vertrouwenskamer is: everyone deserves an honest and safe working environment. Integrity in the workplace is the basis for a pleasant working environment.

You can contact the confidential advisor without notifying your manager or team P&C. They can help you with issues concerning relations, communication and management that have hurt or offended you and led you to feel unsafe at work. Everything that is discussed here is covered by professional secrecy and is confidential.

You can also go to this confidential advisor to safely report suspected misconduct that could be damaging to the company such as theft, fraud, abuse of power, violation of the rules and improper behavior.

What does the confidential advisor person do?

The confidential advisor of De Vertrouwenskamer will listen to what you have to say and will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the potential “solutions''. They will help you make the decision that is right for you and support you throughout the process, but they can also help you to simply get things off your chest. You do not necessarily have to take action.

You can contact De Vertrouwenskamer via email at [email protected] or by phone at +31 (0) 85 004 32 24.

In the attachments you will find the leaflets with additional information:

Please also check this video with more information on how they work.

Last but not least; this partnership with De Vertrouwenskamer does not mean that we, the P&C team, are no longer available for a listening ear, help, a walk or a cup of coffee. It is an addition to it. To always offer you the possibility to talk to a confidential advisor.