Every year many people remodel or move. This is always much more than just transporting your belongings. Remodelling and moving can feel like an intense experience with often many impacts.

Such a renovation or move is always "just something extra" done on the side. Everything else goes on as usual. Pressure or stress can arise if you do more things for a longer period of time than you can actually handle and have too few opportunities to recover.

At Team5pm we think it is important that you have the right energy. Both at work and in your life alongside it. So: asking for extra time off is okay. If you feel the need for this, it would be good if you and your manager could discuss it. As discussed in our vision on time we find it much more important that you take responsibility for your own time. That you can feel and estimate how much time you need to find a good balance between work and non-work.

Finally, it is important that you communicate your new address to People & Culture when you move.

So during this whole process: communication is key!
