"We always strive for improvement; we work smarter, not harder”

In the Work Smart Campaign, you will receive tips and tricks on how to organise your work as smartly and efficiently as possible. We hope to help you achieve the ultimate #team5pm goal: to work smarter, not harder. This campaign can be found on the Academy.

You will receive a variety of advice which can help you organise your activities. You can hand-pick the tips you find appealing and want to give a try. We know by experience that a convenient system for to-do's, e-mails and other activities can have many advantages. For example: less stress, more time to be creative, a greater sense of control and smoother collaboration.

Hopefully, this campaign contributes to making one of our core values “Work Smart” come to life a bit more. And we also hope that some of the tips are useful for you and that they'll help you to work smarter, not harder.