The first three working months of a colleague.

They say it takes an average of 100 days to get totally settled in for a new job. So we will spend the first three months extra carefully so that you are settled in well, and we don't just throw you in at the deep end!

At the same time, we also believe in learning by doing and of course, under good supervision, you will get to work during these first three months.

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In your second week of work, your manager will discuss the overall role description with you. Together you interpret this general description into what is expected of you in the coming months: what will you focus on and what will you learn?

Growth Framework

After your probationary period is over, your manager will discuss where you stand in the Growth Framework. It gives you insight into what level of seniority you currently have and in what dimensions you can develop to grow in seniority.

Cultural Values

During your onboarding period, you will have a meeting with someone from the People & Culture team to take you through our Cultural Values.