The employee journey is the road you as a colleague follow at team5pm. There are three tools that give you (and us) guidance within this journey:

1️⃣ team5pm ID 2️⃣ Growth Framework 3️⃣ Our Values

Sound wise and fun, but we could imagine that sometimes it might be hard to wrap your head around! “Phases?!” “Tools?!” - what do they mean and how do these relate to each other? But most importantly, you’d might think: what does it mean for my own journey?

To answer your questions, we put all the relevant info into a straightforward explainer video. We hopefully make it all clear, or at least: a little clearer.

We want your entire journey to feel safe at all stages, and we have arranged all kinds of things for that. Themes that are important to us here include: D&I, a confidant, OpenUp (psychologists), but also clarity about what we expect from you in your role and having an honest conversation about this.

FAQ Growth & Development