You are now looking at team5pm's 'Team Guide'. This document is a foundation, a starting point, a framework - or whatever you want to call it- of what it means to work at team5pm. We created it because we think it's important to be clear and open about who we are, why we do what we do, what we stand for and how we run things at team5pm.

It's not something static. Duh, we're a fast-growing organisation. We go full steam ahead. That also means that sometimes we will collide, fall, get back up and go full throttle again. If we learn new things or need to change our course we will adjust this document. For now, we have discussed, sometimes debated and above all thought carefully about every word that is written here. Please let us know if you notice anything, or when you think things could be better or smarter. We would love to hear it!

Enjoy reading and have even more fun experiencing all the things described in practice!

team5pm in a nutshell

Why we do what we do

Our origin

Our Full-Speed Journey


Vision on culture

Engagement Survey

A safe work environment

Vision on a safe work environment

Protocol for maintaining a safe environment


Confidential advisor

Protocols and policies for..

Protocol for maintaining a safe environment

Code of Ethics

Virtual office policy

Ethical marketing policy

Alcohol and drugs policy

Whistleblowing policy

Guiding frameworks

The team5pm ID

The Growth Framework

Cultural Values

Employee journey

Vision on your employee journey

1) Recruitment

2) Onboarding

3) The growth & performance cycle

4) Goal setting

5) The feedback cycle

6) Rewarding

7) Learning & Development

8) Offboarding

People operations


Cape Town

Perks & benefits

Perks & Benefits Amsterdam

Perks & Benefits Cape Town

Perks & Benefits Nordics